Nonbinary, they/them.
Working on things at the moment.
Retreating to NG to try and stoke a piece of myself to survive.

July @fmbray

Age 35



North Carolina

Joined on 9/9/09

Exp Points:
2,360 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.71 votes
Police Officer
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Recent Game Medals

11,850 Points

Culinary School 5 Points

Complete the tutorial.

Basics acquired! 5 Points

Reach a highscore of 5 points

Badge of Normality 25 Points

Finish the game in Normal Mode and enjoy the ending.

Badge of Viscousness 5 Points

For ever band-aid you carefully avoid, two more will glue themselves onto you, thence you shall fall hoping to adhere somewhere.

Badge of Loss 5 Points

Any man shall taste someday the bitter juice of his own tears, only to arise with twice the resolve. Or to go back to work. Maybe.

Badge of Patience 5 Points

You watched the clinic cutscene and played the first minigame. Such display of patience is absolutely commendable.

Badge of Compassion 5 Points

You watched the intro. This display of compassion towards the creator of the cinematics is proof of the greatness of your person.

Traveler 5 Points

Unlock second city

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Latest News


So, I've been busy making ends meet, so there's goign to be delays here.
Also, Canada's having a postal strike, so if anyone buys anything from me that goes to Canada, there will be hell to pay for everyone involved.

In addition to this, a certain phone company is sucking me dry and I'm hardly having time to stop scraping money from my etsy sales and pouring into that. They've lanced me with an extra $15 this month, effectively making me have to pay $105 this month, just because they "reconnected" my phone service after they (I'm sure it was tedious) painstakingly "interrupted" my service and it was so hard to automate such a simple process.

Also, I am very full of rage from all these constant high fructose corn syrup commercials, in conjunction with what seems to be a creative bankruptcy in the movie business. I don't want to go see another goddamn superhero movie. They just have not stopped coming out for the past 3 years. I want to see a fucking chick flick that sucks. Or some exploding boobs or some shit. Just, anything other than these superhero movies. Marvel and DC just need to stop milking things for all they're worth and ruining a form of entertainment for me. I'd rather just watch that terrible Wild Wild West movie with Will Smith in it. Or better yet, Whip My Hair by his lowly progeny.

I am just so full of rage today. The rest of the day, I haven't been, but I've had a really odd mood swing because of all of this shit that keeps happening. Both, to me, and to everything else.

Furthermore, I'm slightly delayed on my comic series I'm starting, which is about fetishes and double lives now, because I'm doing custom work for people.

I am so far behind, I put Kobayashi Maru to shame.

Speaking of things that make everything more laborious:


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Added to drawings for The Drawing Grounds Sep 7, 2012.