Well, I finally got a version of Flash, and it happens to be CS4, which I'm not sure how I feel about it. Apparently, there's this new Actionscript 3.0 thing now, and it looks like s PoS and I don't how to use any of the actionscript versions, really, so I guess you could say I'm undecided.
Also, yes, I believe I kinda am a "college dropout" at the moment. I say "dropout" in quotations because the majority of my dropping out had to do with financial aids. It's the only AIDS you can get that helps you, but I'm not good enough to receive it, and apparently, having depression and the health center dodging to diagnose you with anything doesn't help matters when your grades go down the crapper.
Nothing new, since this is the 2nd time it's happened. Oh well, at least I can probably get flash stuff done (in addition to rabidly looking for a job). I'm not too excited about being a corporate whore. Oh well!
Anyways, I am going to leave you with another Youtube Poop, which is the volume of most videos in my favorites list on youtube. (Caution, no sense is made.)
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