Apparently, I'm a douche about mainstream this, that, and the other.
*I am a huge proponent of user-created content, which is why I'm a member of NG and a few other sites.
*I hold media outlets in contempt for milking shows dry until they have to water them down.
*I'm not a fan of media bias.
*I like that fact that the internet has made things a lot easier, especially the submitting of user-made content.
*I am very tired of all this mainstream bull and their obvious lie constructing in order to slander/libel true journalists like James O'Keefe in favor of their ratings and saving face.
I'm very adamant about this, and it WILL happen, considering how tired I am of seeing people's subservience to popular media outlets. Hopefully, I can have everything compiled into my book ASAP.
Normally, if I would argue with anyone in person, I would never be able to tell my point. Why not make a book and put it into the media frenzy spotlight?